Why don’t you also invite all the agents involved in your claim to a debate or video presentation of their views?
<strong>Kathy </strong>
But, inviting the agents seems meaningless as these folks, trained in house, are mere employees of Allstate with little accountability. Of this I know, as an insurance agent for more than a decade.
Rather, as the public spokesman for Allstate-Georgia, allow me to invite Mr. Shane Robinson to discus Hope’s claim in any recordable forum-of-choice; much as we have invited CEO Tom Wilson II to a similar YouTube, website or blog debate.
Allow us to also suggest Atlanta Journal and Constitution [AJC] investigative reporter, Carrie Teegardin, as a potential moderator. Perhaps, a fair and unbiased teaching moment will even be achieved for the benefit of all stakeholders?
<strong>Dr. David Edward Marcinko; MBA</strong>