Thomas J. Wilson, II
CEO: Allstate Insurance Company
2775 Sanders Road
Northbrook, IL 60062 USA
RE: Open Claim #
Mr. Wilson,
We recently received the third solicitation for auto insurance from our unhelpful Allstate agent William Kelly; since August 13, 2009. We opine that he has been unhelpful regarding our Open Claim because:
1] William has not contracted us since August 15th.
2] William has worked against our interests with the collusive referral of insurance agent vendor, Larry Fried, who also opined he could perform our restoration – imagine the “red flags”.
3] William’s partner Mike is documented to have told me, “We only sell the policy”.
4] The open claim confirms our declination decision to purchase Allstate auto insurance, decades ago, despite the self-ingratiating urgings of Mr. Kelly.
Now, annual birthday cards are meaningless, and the solicitation for car insurance is ill-advised until our current claim has been appropriately satisfied. Accordingly, your business model and process flow seems deficient; and almost darkly laughable. Of course, the possibility of automation has entered our minds.
And so, we ask, is this the same automated process under which our current claim is being handled? What would your business students at Kellogg say about this teaching-moment?
Please advise Tom, in a very personal fashion.
PS: You will also find personalized comments from interested blog subscribers above; to which we experientially agree and are painfully aware.
Thank you so very much.
Hope Hetico; RN, MHA