December 10, 2010
Thomas J. Wilson, II
CEO: Allstate
2775 Sanders Road
Northbrook, IL 60062 USA
Via: Electronic mail and USPS delivery
RE: Open Escalated Claim #
Mr. Thomas J. Wilson, II
Recently, we received a phone call from some unidentified AS agent who refused to email confirm her reply as agreed on a recorded conversation. In essence, the call was to confirm her forwarding of our December 1st, 2010 complaint to John Oxendine, GA Insurance Commissioner. Of course, the young naive lady had no clue that we do this automatically, as well as self-redact all communications regarding our claim, and post much of it on the internet.
Enclosed therefore, you will find admissible hard evidence in the form of multiple emails from your employees that the following indeed occurred.
1. Email that we did not sign off on this claim and snared agent Justin Owens in an oral and written contract misrepresentation that seems not only un-ethical but may be illegal. In fact, we believe he should be summarily discharged for such nefarious shenanigans.
2. Emails from former agent John Bell and Isis Ortega confirming our final home duct HVAC cleaning, and terminal house cleaning services for which they previously agreed, reneged, and re-agreed again. And; then reneged yet once more! In other words, these folks “act the fool” and discredit AS, them-selves and you personally.
3. We expect both services to be arranged as documented in this letter and performed as per our contract, or “supplemental” basis, as your prefer [supplementation was never rescinded by us].
Many thanks for allowing us to set the record straight in this courteous and consistent fashion. We look forward to working with you to resolve this claim, and trust that intelligent discourse will prevail. But, understanding and communication between and among your undertrained agents regarding this claim remains abysmal and incorrect.
As a visually impaired former surgeon, and retired PC insurance agent for more than 15 years, it is no wonder that AS is last in all customer service polls with dismal public stock price. We will not be intimidated or threatened into claims settlement against our interests. We just know better.
Dr. David Edward Marcinko; MBA
CC: I. Ortega, J. Owens, R. Wallace, J. Kelly, Clark Howard, AJC, S. Robinson, GA-AG, J. Oxendine, internet and other concerned parties.